Solutions for new buildings

EMFIS® started with certification for new buildings, whether residential, or commercial, i.e. offices, schools, agricultural, etc. 

The design and structural changes required to obtain the highest EMFIS® rating are easier and cheaper to implement when building from the ground up.

On top of health and wellbeing benefits, having a brand EMFIS® certified property adds to the value, in terms of desirability, sustainability, accessibility, and futureproofing.

The EMFIS® certification works both on full shielding and partial shielding. Some dwellings, like a train station hall or hotel lobby, require wireless hotspots, and optimum cell phone reception. Whereas other dwellings, such as bedrooms, or children's playrooms, may require thorough EMF shielding. 

The EMFIS® partial shielding design allows for EMF-free areas, like “quiet rooms”. In a residential build, these can be a bedroom, playroom, or a study room, which can operate solely on wired communication. In commercial buildings, the EMFIS® partial shielding allows for dedicated EMF-free hotel bedrooms. And in offices, it could be distraction-free brainstorming rooms, quiet focus rooms or resting spaces.

Become EMFIS® certified

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